Sunday, March 20, 2016

Alright since Gatsby is coming up, may as well tell you why Gatsby is the most kick ass dude to have ever been written about. Bullet point time!

  • Rich because of his own aspirations.
  • Good lookin' dude that gets what he wants.
  • Hosts parties SOLELY to get the attention of the woman he loves.
  • Is a super genuine person even though his persona is false.
  • He sticks with his identity that he made for himself. 
  • Sticks up for what he believes.
  • Is polite as hell and doesn't try to wrong anyone.
  • Is so ambitious that he built himself from dirt to extreme wealth.
  • Never resorts to violence in order to communicate his desires.
  • Knows that money is just for status and attaining what you want out of life.
  • Even though no one goes to his funeral he would not have given a damn because his best friend was there.  
This guy is a literal embodiment of the kind of individual people should aspire to be like. If more people knew that they can get whatever they want out of life if they simply make the strides to do it, this world would be so much more fantastic. Wealth is not bad when you get it ethically and you work for it, a thought that is lost among my generation it seems. You can help millions of people if you do well for yourself.

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